This album from Lafayette Gilchrist and Hammid Drake is and has been one of my...

Here’s Eri Yamamoto playing a very nice solo piano set. Here’s a drawing of a drummer (I think it was Nate Wood but the program and the extra insert said different things) Here are a couple of pictures from […]
The Second set on opening night of Vision Fest 17 this year was a really incredible one. I had never seen Paul Dunmall before and was mightily impressed. I’ve seen all of the members of the rhythm section befopre, although playing with different people. Their interplay was so spot on, though, I would have to […]
jimmy_smith-its_necessary Here’s a pretty good live recording from Jimmy Smith made at Jimmy Smith’s Supper Club in ’77. With a some big names in the group, each song swings solidly, some reaching great status. Most notably, the last song, “Say it Again, Jim,” is a really great track. Here’s the linup. Stanley Behrens   –   […]
On December 15th and 16th, 2011, Wadada Leo Smith came Roulette’s music space in Brooklyn to celebrate his 70th birthday… He was here two nights, playing three sets each night, each set playing with a different configuration of musicians (trio, quartet, sextet, octet).  Each set was really great. Below are some pictures from those nights. […]
As you will find out if I continue to post enough albums from my record collection, I have a soft spot in my heart for jazz covers of pop songs. In this case, we have some solid grooves coming from a real master of the hammond b3 – Johnny “Hammond” Smith. Not the best album […]
When you think of jazz bagpipe, only one name comes to mind – Rufus Harley, the Philadelphia piper. – Watch him here -> RHarley-KingsQueens
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