category = 4 Dewey Redman and Edblackwell – Red and Black In Willisau | Muzócalo

Dewey Redman and Edblackwell – Red and Black In Willisau

Dewey Redman and Edblackwell - Red and Black In Willisau
Dewey Redman and Edblackwell - Red and Black In Willisau

Red and Black In Willisau

Here’s a good duet I stumbled across while browsing e-music: Dewey Redman and Ed Blackwell – Red and Black, live in Willisau.  It has some similarities to Don Cherry and Ed Blackwell’s albums, the three musicians all coming from the same school of music.  There would be no mistaking  them for each other, though.  One of the similarities, though, is that they’re both definitely worth picking up.

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